Saturday, July 27, 2013


I think it's safe to say every one goes through a time in their life where they are trying to figure out who they are and where they are going. Some times people find out early on and are content for the rest of their lives, some it takes longer to figure out and than I think there are some that you know who and where you want to be but you work on it your whole life. I think I fall in the last one and I used to think that was a bad thing because I was having to always work on it but now I see that having to continually work on something to achieve a goal is good but it is bad when you stop working and trying to achieve whatever you want.It's kind of sad how much time we can waste in our lives trying to fit in and belong or be who we think we're supposed to be only to find out that you can put every thing you have in being what others say you should be and they will always find something that isn't right and you need to fix. I truthfully admire those that realize early on in life that you can't be the person every one wants you to be because it's impossible to be pulled in that many directions and fulfill all those obligations. It has taken me longer than it should have to realize that I have to be the person to decide who I want to be and what I want to do and I got to always be ready and prepared to work very hard at getting there. I can't let some one else do the work and expect the reward. Admittedly, it does seem to work for some like that but even if I could figure out how to do that I don't want it like that. When I set goals for myself and I finally reach them part of my elation is for finally completing my goal but the biggest part is in looking back and seeing all the obstacles I conquered to get there. Letting others do the hard work and you receiving the reward is a lazy way out, it's like being in a marathon but hiding out at the finish line to dart out and crossing the finish line just before the person that has run the full course can cross the finish line. You get the trophy but you didn't earn it. So even though I may see a huge hill that I just don't think I can get over to reach my goal I'm going to keep walking up it and no matter how many times I have to stop I won't quit until I cross that finish line.

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