Monday, July 15, 2013

Keeping My Faith

I’ve heard it so many times when people get done wrong in every scenario one can think of they will say, ‘That’s it I’ve lost my faith in God.” I would lean towards you didn’t have much faith in Him to begin with, if you get mad from reading that than I know you didn’t. Not to mention that I’ve been there, done that…they was sold out of the T-shirt or I would have an abundance of them. Now I’m finally getting a better understanding of what it really means to have faith in God and not just religion. I recently saw a billboard that had religion wrote out but the -igion section was crossed out and had -ationship wrote above that so that the word said relationship instead of religion. Anyway, back to the losing faith in God thing, for so long I’ve focused on people and the things they do to me - positive and negative- and depending on how that went I would be thanking or hating God. It’s a warped way of thinking about God really and thankfully I finally got the real meaning and understanding of who He is. Now I get that people are going to abuse you, betray, disappoint, use you, talk about you but I can’t judge all the negatives people do and think every one is like that. I believe that every one is in a persons life for a certain amount of time, short or for a lifetime, for a reason and some times with those negative people they are there to make you a stronger and better person. Whether they knowingly say or do those things are not it is being done solely to tear you apart and keep you down so you can’t see your true potential. For every negative person there is, or should be,  a person that will be positive and will help you without expecting anything in return, listen when you need to vent, or is there to laugh with for those inside jokes that only you all get. There is a quote that is attributed to C.S. Lewis that states, ‘Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another:  “What! You too? I though I was the only one.” It’s those kinds of people that really matter and should make up the majority of the people you have dealings with in your life. Whoever you encounter you shouldn’t blame God and say you’re done with faith in Him. From every thing I truly believe and understand about God I know he loves me unconditionally and although I’ve had to face things in my life that I would’ve preferred not to I know it’s not God’s fault and that it only made me be the person I have eventually become and actually helped me. I, nor anyone else, can get out of this life unscathed by something that will haunt you, or scar you to a certain degree. What matters is how will you let those scars define you. I’m not saying be so naïve and trust and believe every one and it’s always going to be happy, skipping through life singing a song like you came straight from a Disney movie but I am saying  be careful how high a standard and how much you lean on others because they can fail you, they are only human - not Superman or some invincible perfect being. That is one thing we are all alike on no matter race, age, height or weight - we all will falter. So if you have to do the blame game for something that happened in your life don’t blame God or lose faith in Him because of others, He doesn’t force them or make them act like that a bit more than He makes you make the choices you do. Personally, I think it’s best if you can avoid the blame game for to long, it really doesn’t help any one. Call them out for their wrong but don’t wear out your welcome in the blame game corner, at least for me personally it has kept me in that negative part of my life way longer than I should have been. There is another quote that is by C.S. Lewis that I think sums it all up pretty well and I like to think this is perhaps what’s going on when I have to deal with difficult situations and those times that make me wonder if there is any hope for human kind.

Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.:
- C.S. Lewis

Perhaps if you read this you have a different idea of God or not even believe in Him at all, if so that is your choice, my idea and opinion of God may be wrong but this is how I see Him and that’s how I will continue to, I’m getting to that point in my life that I won’t apologize for my beliefs. I’m not writing this blog to force anything on any one, it is solely written as my outlet to clear a little space in my head with absolutely no intention of it even being read. If you do take the time to read it, thanks, hopefully you get something out of it, or at least won’t jump to conclusions and opinions without trying to really see what I’m attempting to say. And no I’m not always a happy, think positive, every thing goes right kind of person. I know life can throw things at you that really ain’t fair and make you start to question. That’s where you find yourself at a fork in the road of life and have to decide which you want to take - it’s all your choice though. So often things are only half listened to or read and the rest is filled in with what we want to fill in the blanks with to make it be what we want it to be. And as Forest Gump said, that’s all I have to say about that

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