Saturday, August 24, 2013

If only this post had a point but it doesn't....

I think I've momentarily forgot about having a blog, feels like forever since I've written anything on here or could think of anything to write. Now I have something I want to write about and for the life of me I can't sort my thoughts enough to make a sentence that would be understandable. I thought about going ahead and trying to type it out and go with the flow on here but I can't do that because it just doesn't feel right this time to just type and get it out that way. Last night I tried writing it out on paper and it didn't seem to want to be written on paper yet either. Wonder if anyone else has ever had that happen, have a thought that you really want to share and actually makes sense and could get others thinking but for the life of you it just can't be written.Normally this would worry me that I will forget it, and it's still very possible, but the fact that I can't stop thinking about it should help me to get it written down eventually. I only hope that by the time my thoughts will cooperate and I can write it down and get it posted that I don't read it and think why did I think this was worth sharing. Even if I don't post it on here, I desperately want to get it written down, maybe it's just for my own benefit to help me see what I need to change. I feel like there is some sort of changing coming for me and I don't know if it's just my imagination or if it is possible and if it  is possible I don' t know how to feel about it. However, if it's a change to help me in areas that I've really been wanting to improve than I'll take it even if at first it is very grudgingly.

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