Friday, August 9, 2013

Writer's Block

I'm in one of those moods I really want to write and I know that I have ideas brewing in my mind but when I go to write anything it's like all my thoughts go in to hiding or hit a massive wall while trying to escape and let me write them down. I have a greater appreciation of the phrase writer's block. The other day I saw something that gave me an idea to try to write a poem and I sat down to try to write the ideas down to sort through and make coherent sentences and phrases with but what little I actually wrote down seemed forced and just wasn't right so I put it away. Kind of like with this post I feel like I'm having to force myself to write anything, which then makes it not fun to write at all. I don't claim to be good at writing (including what I write on here, and the other random things I write) but I use writing as an escape and to help get a better grip on the thoughts running around in my head. Now I'm having one of those moments where I've hit the wall and can't write or what little I have written it doesn't make sense or feel right to write. You always hear of actual authors that write for a living having writer's block and they some how get over that little glitch so hopefully this won't last to much longer cause my poor mind can't handle much of a backlog of to many thoughts stuck in my head.

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