Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Struck Me Funny

You know we're generally taught at an early age certain words are considered bad and shouldn't be said, out of respect or for various other reasons. I think some words should be added to that list and I'm just not sure how they didn't get added. The big one that I think should be added is diet, that is such an evil word that just makes me cringe and my stomach growl when I just hear it! A while back I was asked if I was on a diet and I quickly said no. I'm trying to not visit the junk food side of town, or pantry in this case, as often in hopes to eat better and I've said goodbye to the pop (AKA soda) train,  but I refuse to say I'm on a diet. I mean really, the first three letters of the word spell die, and I personally am not ready to die just yet and if I go on a diet me or someone around me could seriously get hurt. So I have come up with the solution that this round of trying to eat better and just be healthier I will refrain from using that terrible word and just go on about my business. So far it seems to be working out better for me than any time before.

I recently saw a person that had the middle name of Christ and it cracked me up. I'm not sure if the 'i' is  pronounced with a long or short vowel sound but than again where I'm from any word with an 'i' is automatically a long vowel and I do mean long. I wonder if her parents thought if her middle name was Christ (and assuming it's pronounced with the long vowel), that when they got so mad they had to say her whole name that when they said Christ it would help them calm down before they did or said something they would regret. I wonder if parents nowadays even say a child's full name or if they just go straight to counting. That cracks me up too. Hear some parent say to a kid something a long the lines of  'You better put that toy away where it belongs in your room.' and the kid just sits there so then the parent just starts counting. I'm surprised some kids nowadays don't think their name is One Two Three and a half. And if that's how you parent more power to you, I can't help it that it cracks me up, that's how my sense of humor rolls and I can't seem to alter my humor.

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