Monday, August 5, 2013

Thinking Problem

The capabilities of all that the mind can do is truly amazing and I often wonder if we will ever truly know and understand all that our mind does and why. I don't think my poor mind can even understand itself at times, or it just likes to play some cruel jokes on me. It really is like my mind has found and taken over the remote control for my life and during the day it puts itself on mute so I can't even remember something as simple as what day it really is. Then it becomes night and that's a completely different story. This is when my mind becomes a hard of hearing person that likes to channel surf with the volume turned all of the way up. I sometimes don't mind the fight to go to sleep, I have actually gotten some decent ideas of things to write because of this. Now that I think about it, I guess the mind really is our remote for life. Some nights I even crack myself up, not that I'm necessarily funny, it's just that I have officially became slap happy for the night while waiting for sleep. On those nights I get a laugh, or good chuckle, at my own expense because of the rapid fire thoughts that keep coming and how side tracked I can get. I have gotten so far away from my original thought I can't find my way back from all the side roads of thoughts I took. It's like playing 5 degrees of (insert random thought here) instead of 5 degrees of Kevin Bacon. This happened the other night and if I'd thought I could've gotten the thoughts on paper before my mind went on selective shut down I would've written them down, if for nothing else but to have proof I'm not exaggerating about this. At one point I couldn't help but think this must be a glimpse of what it may be like in Robin Williams head and how he goes all over the place when he is telling jokes or just talking. No offense to him intended, I think he is hilarious. At least on those nights with the funny random thoughts, I can have a little fun and amusement while waiting for sleep to kick in. I don't like the nights where my mind takes the philosophical, theological and any of those other to serious roads. Those tend to get me in deeper and more confused than I ever want to be but especially before I go to sleep. So basically, in conclusion, I can only say for certain that I have a thinking problem that at times keeps me awake at night and helps me day dream while I'm supposed to be working but that same problem has helped me somehow take the scenic route to the answers I needed to find. Here's to all of our thinking problems and may we learn and enjoy the sometimes long and (hopefully) scenic route they take us on.

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