Monday, August 12, 2013

Third Wheel

I think I'm starting to understand why I go places by myself and it's not just because of the hard time I have of getting people to go with me. It seems like it never fails that when I do get someone to go with me they end up inviting someone too and I end up being the third wheel on my own trip to wherever. It's not so bad if I know the person but I guess you can't get to know people if you aren't around them. I always hate it though when that happens and you end up being left out in conversations and basically doing every thing on your own anyway so you might as well have went on the trip by yourself. At least when I go by myself I'm not rushed or on anyone's schedule. Of course when I go by myself I'm limited on some of the things I can do, or at least when, and it can get boring. You can only get talking to yourself so many times before people start looking at you funny! I should be used to being the third wheel, Lord knows I've had plenty of practice and will forever be the third wheel. I don't the fact that others are there bother me, as they say the more the merrier (usually, anyway), it's the suddenly learning there are others coming when all along it was just supposed to be x amount of people. Thankfully, usually this never ends up being a problem and all ends well so guess I always worry about it for nothing like I am so good at doing. I just hate change and when I have it in my mind something is going to be a certain way and it gets changed it bugs me and I don't like it until half way through and I realize it's not so bad. So here's to apparently always going somewhere by myself and/or being the third wheel.

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